EU proposal on a free trade deal with the US could curb energy saving measures and a planned switch to clean energy, say MEPs
Sunday 31 July 2016 -
Irland: Public wants referendum on TTIP - poll
The vast majority of Irish people want a referendum on the proposed US-EU free trade deal if it looks like it could become law, a survey suggests.
They also want a similar poll on Europe's planned trade agreement with Canada, according to the survey carried out by Red C.
The survey was commissioned by lobby group Uplift, which has campaigned against the US agreement.
Talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a sweeping US-European free trade deal, started three years ago - but the two sides have been unable to settle differences over various issues, including agriculture.
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU has also taken years to negotiate, and could come into force next year.
Uplift commissioned Red C to conduct a poll on public attitudes in Ireland towards certain potential aspects of both the TTIP and CETA trade agreements, with a random sample of 1,004 adults across the country interviewed by telephone earlier this month.
21.07.2016 - Independant
Thought we'd escaped TTIP by leaving the EU?
Think again - it's setting the terrifying blueprint for our future trade deals
In addition to guaranteeing the rights of big business, new trade deals will mean further financial deregulation in the UK
11.07.2016 - Guardian
Leaked TTIP energy proposal could 'sabotage' EU climate policy
29.04.2016 - Independant
TTIP could cause an NHS sell-off and UK Parliament would be powerless to stop it, says leading union
Exclusive: Gail Cartmail, Unite assistant general secretary, said that it was “a scandal” that MPs may not have the democratic power to stop TTIP
The UK Parliament may not have the power to stop or reverse the privatisation of the NHS if the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership passed at EU level, Unite has warned.
The union cites a letter from Lord Maude of Horsham, the minister for trade and investment, in response to a query from a constituent of Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick about how TTIP would pass into law in the UK.
common dreams - 26.04.2016
UK's Secret TTIP Assessment: No Benefits, Plenty of Risks
'Yet again this toxic trade deal is exposed as being full of harmful consequences for ordinary people'
The TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would have "lots of risks and no benefits" for the UK, according to a government analysis released publicly Monday through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the advocacy group Global Justice Now.
campact - 26.04.2016
Londoner Ökonomen: TTIP bringt keine Vorteile!
David Cameron, Regierungschef von Großbritannien, hat als TTIP-Befürworter große Sorgen. Nach dem Propaganda-Besuch von Obama hätte er das TTIP-Gutachten der London School of Economics (LSE) von 2013 gerne weiterhin unter Verschluss gehalten. Denn deren Fazit war vernichtend. Das Schlimmste: Die Regierung hatte es selbst in Auftrag gegeben. Womöglich in der irrigen Absicht, sich die angeblichen Vorteile des Abkommens wissenschaftlich bestätigen zu lassen. Jetzt aber haben TTIP-Gegner „Global Justice Now“ die Publikation dieser Bumerang-Studie erzwungen. Und sie bestätigt die schlimmsten Befürchtungen.
ganzer Text
the Independent - 19 April 2016
TTIP: More than 130,000 people urge Barack Obama to kill controversial trade deal during UK visit
President Obama is expected to continue to discuss the controversial Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership with David Cameron
Thousands of people have signed a petition to stop president Barack Obama from agreeing on a controversial trade deal between the US and the European Union which protesters say gives more power to corporations.
The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP), a free-trade agreement which members of campaign group 38 Degrees say threatens the NHS, food standards, animal welfare and “democracy”, might be signed before Mr Obama leaves the White House next January.
15th April 2016 - the Ecologist
CETA Canada-EU 'free trade' deal could come into force without vote
Oliver Tickell
The Stop TTIP coalition is warning that under a 'stealth clause' in CETA the trade deal could come into force without a single parliamentary vote - including its ISDS provisions allowing investors to sue governments in secret courts. US corporations would then be able to sue EU nations - even if TTIP fails.
the Independent - 17 March 2016
TTIP: Big business and US to have major say in EU trade deals, leak reveals
Exclusive: Document obtained by campaign group shows legislation will be influenced before it reaches European Parliament
The European Commission will be obliged to consult with US authorities before adopting new legislative proposals following passage of a controversial series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret.
EU told ExxonMobil that TTIP would aid global expansion, documents reveal
Trade chief told oil giant in secret talks that free trade deal could address its concerns over regulations restricting activities in developing countries
The European Union’s trade commissioner told the multinational oil company ExxonMobil that a major free trade deal being negotiated with the US would help remove obstacles to fossil fuel development in Africa and South America, documents obtained by the Guardian reveal.
weiter im >>Guardian
NHS could be part-privatised if UK and EU agree controversial TTIP trade deal, expert warns
The Government would not be able to make key decisions about the NHS because ministers would be constrained by the trade deal, the report warns
weiter im Independent
MPs can view TTIP files – but take only pencil and paper with them
Politicians gain access to documents on controversial trade deal, but electronic devices ban fuels ‘cloak of secrecy’ fears
hier ein interessanter Artikel über den Untoten ISDS, nicht totzukriegen und sehr hartnäckig....
Allerdings auf englisch... >>
auch bei Campact:
Was ist ISDS: in Wikipedia
Governments and large corporations may have hammered out agreements to craft a TPP that suits them - some see no gain though for workers
TPP: What is it and why does it matter?
- 3 February 2016
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is one of the most ambitious free trade agreements ever signed.
Those in favour say this trade deal will unleash new economic growth among countries involved.
Those against - particularly some Americans - fear it could mean jobs will move from the US to developing countries.
They also do not like the fact the five-year talks were held largely in secret.
weiter bei >>BBC
Transatlantic regulatory cooperation in TTIP – a business-driven lobby project
A new report by Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl examines the origins and impacts of TTIP's proposals for regulatory cooperation and shows that the process has been dominated by big business right from the start. This part of the talks involves dismantling existing “regulatory barriers” and preventing new ones from emerging with public interest regulations having to go through lengthy procedures, including vetting by business for possible impacts on trade. The TTIP talks cover a wide range of policy areas from chemicals regulations to employment policy, data protection to agriculture and are thus the biggest focal point for lobbying efforts right now in Brussels.
January 18, 2016 | Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl
Dangerous Regulatory Duet - How transatlantic regulatory cooperation under TTIP will allow bureaucrats and big business to attack the public interest
Common Dreams (in engl)
common dreams - 26.04.2016
UK's Secret TTIP Assessment: No Benefits, Plenty of Risks
'Yet again this toxic trade deal is exposed as being full of harmful consequences for ordinary people'
The TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would have "lots of risks and no benefits" for the UK, according to a government analysis released publicly Monday through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the advocacy group Global Justice Now.
Published on Sunday, October 18, 2015 by Common Dreams
TTIP Already 'Rewriting the Rule Book' for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds
Campaigners say that corporate lobbyists, buoyed by the pending trade agreement, are already lobbying against key food safety measures
the Guardian
alles zu TTIP:
11.07.2016 - Guardian
Leaked TTIP energy proposal could 'sabotage' EU climate policy
EU proposal on a free trade deal with the US could curb energy saving measures and a planned switch to clean energy, say MEPs
EU told ExxonMobil that TTIP would aid global expansion, documents reveal
Trade chief told oil giant in secret talks that free trade deal could address its concerns over regulations restricting activities in developing countries
The European Union’s trade commissioner told the multinational oil company ExxonMobil that a major free trade deal being negotiated with the US would help remove obstacles to fossil fuel development in Africa and South America, documents obtained by the Guardian reveal.
weiter im >>Guardian
MPs can view TTIP files – but take only pencil and paper with them
Politicians gain access to documents on controversial trade deal, but electronic devices ban fuels ‘cloak of secrecy’ fears
Prospect of TTIP already undermining EU food standards, say campaigners
Opponents of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership say EU negotiator has admitted to approving entry of banned goods
the Guardian - 18 Oct, 2015
the Independent
Sunday 31 July 2016 -
Irland: Public wants referendum on TTIP - poll
The vast majority of Irish people want a referendum on the proposed US-EU free trade deal if it looks like it could become law, a survey suggests.
They also want a similar poll on Europe's planned trade agreement with Canada, according to the survey carried out by Red C.
The survey was commissioned by lobby group Uplift, which has campaigned against the US agreement.
Talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a sweeping US-European free trade deal, started three years ago - but the two sides have been unable to settle differences over various issues, including agriculture.
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU has also taken years to negotiate, and could come into force next year.
Uplift commissioned Red C to conduct a poll on public attitudes in Ireland towards certain potential aspects of both the TTIP and CETA trade agreements, with a random sample of 1,004 adults across the country interviewed by telephone earlier this month.
21.07.2016 - Independant
Thought we'd escaped TTIP by leaving the EU?
Think again - it's setting the terrifying blueprint for our future trade deals
In addition to guaranteeing the rights of big business, new trade deals will mean further financial deregulation in the UK
29.04.2016 - the Independant
TTIP could cause an NHS sell-off and UK Parliament would be powerless to stop it, says leading union
Exclusive: Gail Cartmail, Unite assistant general secretary, said that it was “a scandal” that MPs may not have the democratic power to stop TTIP
The UK Parliament may not have the power to stop or reverse the privatisation of the NHS if the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership passed at EU level, Unite has warned.
The union cites a letter from Lord Maude of Horsham, the minister for trade and investment, in response to a query from a constituent of Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick about how TTIP would pass into law in the UK.
the Independent - 19 April 2016
TTIP: More than 130,000 people urge Barack Obama to kill controversial trade deal during UK visit
President Obama is expected to continue to discuss the controversial Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership with David Cameron
Thousands of people have signed a petition to stop president Barack Obama from agreeing on a controversial trade deal between the US and the European Union which protesters say gives more power to corporations.
The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP), a free-trade agreement which members of campaign group 38 Degrees say threatens the NHS, food standards, animal welfare and “democracy”, might be signed before Mr Obama leaves the White House next January.
the Independent - 17 March 2016
TTIP: Big business and US to have major say in EU trade deals, leak reveals
Exclusive: Document obtained by campaign group shows legislation will be influenced before it reaches European Parliament
The European Commission will be obliged to consult with US authorities before adopting new legislative proposals following passage of a controversial series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret.
NHS could be part-privatised if UK and EU agree controversial TTIP trade deal, expert warns
The Government would not be able to make key decisions about the NHS because ministers would be constrained by the trade deal, the report warns
weiter im Independent
Here is how TTIP threatens small businesses in the UK
As 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year I am firmly against TTIP and the strain it will place on home grown business owners
Titus Sharpe
Monday 18 January 2016
weiter im >>Independent
TTIP is already letting big business shape our laws
The deal and others like it are being used as bargaining chips to help bypass health concerns over pesticides, food and highly toxic fossil fuels
11 November, 2015
Four Scottish local councils become "TTIP Free Zones" in the space of two weeks
the Ecologist
15th April 2016 - the Ecologist
CETA Canada-EU 'free trade' deal could come into force without vote
Oliver Tickell
The Stop TTIP coalition is warning that under a 'stealth clause' in CETA the trade deal could come into force without a single parliamentary vote - including its ISDS provisions allowing investors to sue governments in secret courts. US corporations would then be able to sue EU nations - even if TTIP fails.
hier ein interessanter Artikel über den Untoten ISDS, nicht totzukriegen und sehr hartnäckig....
Allerdings auf englisch... >>
Was ist ISDS: in Wikipedia
War on Want
War on Want fights against the root causes of poverty and human rights violation, as part of the worldwide movement for global justice.
Here are TTIP videos, all together in one place!
Hier auch the zombie-isds
Local authorities against TTIP in Europe
In many European countries, local authorities are mobilising against free trade agreements (TTIP, CETA, TiSA) which are paving the way for far-reaching liberalisation of services. Those treaties will jeopardise democratic principles by substantially reducing political space and restricting the scope for public choices via the implementation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) and Regulatory Cooperation.
Stop TAFTA (franz.)
Site officiel du collectif national unitaire stopTAFTA
(site réalisé par Attac avec SPIP)