

14. April 2011 - Ranja Sengupta:

Ambitious Trade Liberalisation and Indian Agriculture:
The Case of the Proposed EU-India Free Trade Agreement

The FTA includes chapters on goods (both agricultural and industrial commodities), services, intellectual property and contains provisions that go way beyond the WTO or are WTO plus. In addition, there are chapters on areas left untouched in the WTO as these were considered sensitive for developing countries; namely investment, public procurement and competition policy. Dispute settlement and trade facilitation are also included. The EU wants a chapter on sustainable development, which includes provisions on labour and environment standards which India has refused to include so far, on the grounds that these are nontrade issues.

[ vollständiger Artikel ]

9. März 2005 - IDEAS, Ranja Sengupta:

Poverty and Inequality in the New World:

Moving forward or backward?

A Critique of ‘Globalization, Poverty and Inequality since 1980’ by David Dollar

[ vollständiger Artikel (PDF, 17 Seiten) ]