PPP Global
Das PPP-Modell ist, wie der englische Name schon vermuten lässt, ein globaler Angriff der Privatwirtschaft mit staatlicher Unterstützung auf die öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge weltweit. Das BMZ (1) spricht deshalb heute von „Entwicklungspartnerschaft“ und sieht darin ein Mittel, die Kontroverse zwischen Entwicklungspolitik und Außenwirtschaftspolitik aufzulösen.
Die EU (2) unterstützt PPP im Rahmen des Lissabonvertrags, was u.a. und in bilateralen Freihandelsabkommen (z.B. EPAs) eine Konkretion erfährt.
Doch auch der Widerstand (3) dagegen regt sich an vielen Orten. Wir versuchen auf dieser Webseite unseren Kräften entsprechend Informationen aus verschiedenen Ländern (4) zu dokumentieren und Materialien soweit wie möglich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dafür sind wir auf die Hilfe von vielen angewiesen, aus welchen Ecken unseres Planeten auch immer sie kommen mögen. Schickt uns eure Berichte, Materialien oder Links. Im Augenblick können wir aus Kapazitätsgründen die Texte nur in ihrer Originalsprache veröffentlichen, aber wer weiß, vielleicht bekommen wir für wichtig Dokumente ja freiwillige Unterstützer_innen.
Zu 1: weed Broschüre, Text von Uwe Höring (http://www.weed-online.org/suchen/19648.html),
Thomas Fritz, Schleichende Privatisierung www.fdcl-berlin.de
Zu 2.: Armutsgeschäfte in www.german-foreign-policy.com
Zu 3: Dexter Whitfield: Public Auction of Public Assets,
Zu 4: www.globe-spotting.de
Why we started a campaigne in Attac Germany against PPP
We all know about privatisation and why we are against it. In Germany a mayority of the population, about 70% are against privatisation. But many people don’t know what PPP means and when they hear “PublicPrivat Partnership” they think it’s fine because it is under public controle. They don’t know that The actual form of privatisation called PPP is the most tricky way to get our commons/public services under the controle of privat capital and profitbased economy.
My short view on PPP is basicly based on the research of Dexter Whitfield, published in his new book “Global Auction of Public Assets”.Later we will give you a copy of his preface.
Here are some curcial points about PPP:
1. PPP is not an economic or social crusade to get “additional investments”, they are increaslingly focused on the “whole service concept” to get long-term garanteed profits out of the public infratucture that enables us to live our lives.
That means PPP is a product of neoliberal economic policy and public sector reform. Financialisation, commodification and marketisiation are creating a global wealth machine to further exploit public needs and resources. There is nothing innovative about it, it is simply identifying the potencial long-term gains in 25 - 30 year contracts and capturing them with private value. The so called investors have no money, they only make us pay bank interests on money they borrwoed plus their own profit rate.
2. Why do politicans fall into this trap?
PPP allows goverments to improve and expand the public infrastucture although many communities have underwelming debts as a result of a low taxation policy.
It’s mathematically impossible to have a low taxation/low public spending model of government and provide on the other hand a good quality infrastucture which everyone can afford to access. Politicians believe in a crew of “experts” of architecture, lowyers, engineers and management consults who offer them their services in return to incredible high fees (Millions of $), experts that sound very professional but allways come to the same conclusion: a PPP project is cheaper then a public financed project. There are no official statistics yet but all the data we have contradicts this opinion.
3. PPP projects are structures on a “build now, pay later” basis.
In practice it’s like the credit cards consumerism which contributed to the global financial crises.
As politicins normally think in short terms from one election to the next , they don’t bother about long-term contracts.
4.PPP projects have an important impact on jobs and works in order to maximise productivity.
Public sector workers are made redundant, transferred or seconded to a privte contract or with more extensive use of cheaper migrant labour on construction sites, with poor work conditions. And the knowledge of the former workers in the public sector gets lost, so later the big corporations have a monopoly on offering “know how”.
5. PPPs are converting local infrastructure like schools, hospiitals, prisons, streets etc. into commodities sold in private equity funds and companies.
So instead of houses in the US our public services will blow up the bubble of the next fiancial crises.
PPP is a new development paradigm and raises key questions of who will own and control cities/regions in the future. It is rooted in capital accumulation, marketisation of the state, private land and commons.
The PPP debate connot be limited to technical debates. The decisions on infrastructure investment must be part of a wider democratic and partcipatory decision-making process,
The widespread opposition to PPPs and privatisation must be harnessed and mobilised by trade unions, communities and local grassroot organisations.