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12. Dezember 2022, 20:00 Uhr - Online-Veranstaltung:

What Russia an Russia think about NATO and War

Impressions after the visits of Reiner Braun (former executive director IPB) and Tamara Lorincz (WILPF Canada) in Moscow and other cities in Russia and East Europe.
A conversation about war and peace between Reiner Braun, Tamara Lorincz and Kristine Karch (No to NATO network) followed by Q&A .

Please Register here:

8. Dezember 2022, 11:00 Uhr - Online Event (via ZOOM):

Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine:
A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs

On October 24th, 2021, Sachs was appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Within this role, Sachs has consistently pushed for a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine, as exhibited in the statement titled Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine of the Science and Ethics of Happiness Study Group.

REGISTER HERE: (zoom link)

Unfortunately, the event will need to be rescheduled once more. The new date for the event is Wednesday, 25 January 2023 at 11.00 Central European Time. Please take note that the event is no longer occurring on 8 December.

8. Dezember 2022, 1:30 Uhr (MEZ) - Online-Veranstaltung:

Climate, Conflict & the Search for Peace:
First-Hand Observations from COP27, Russia and Eastern Europe

Speaker: Tamara Lorincz, PhD candidate

Tamara will share her insights as an observer delegate at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt this November. She was on the delegation of the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF), which is a member of the Climate Action Network International and the Women Gender Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
After Egypt, Tamara went on a tour of Russia, Finland, Latvia, Poland, and Romania to learn more about these countries and to talk with people about their perspectives on the war in Ukraine and NATO expansion. She was invited to speak at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and at a public event in Helsinki. Her tour was motivated by citizen diplomacy, peace-building, and strategic empathy.

[ mehr ] [ Registrierung ]

The event will be recorded and the recording will be made available to all registrants afterward. Automated live transcription of this event will be enabled on the zoom platform.

30. November 2022, 2:00 Uhr - Webinar:

Ending the War in Ukraine, Not Life on Earth

Please join Ryan Black, Mandy Carter, Dennis Kucinich, Pastor Mike McBride, Khury Petersen-Smith, David Swanson, Marcy Winograd, and Ann Wright

[ Registrierung ]

23. November 2022, 13:00 Uhr - Online-Veranstaltung (via ZOOM):

Global NATO and economic war against Russia and China

And the alterative cooperation and common security

Key points:

  • Key elements of the economic war
  • Economic war against the so-called enemies
  • Economic war against the south
  • The role of arms economy
  • Alternatives new economic order and cooperative structures

Organized by

No to War - No to NATO
Asia Europe People's Forum
International Peace Bureau

[ Registrierung: ] [ CET ]

19. November 2022, 1:00 Uhr - Webinar (mittels ZOOM):

Petroleum, Ukraine and Geopolitics: The Backstory

The Montreal chapter of World BEYOND War is pleased to welcome John Foster to speak to us about the role of petroleum in ongoing tensions and rivalries between the United States, Russia and China, that are playing out in the Ukraine War. With Western sanctions distorting markets and forcing up prices worldwide, Europe faces a severe economic crisis. Recent Western countries' military interventions and sanctions on petroleum countries have failed. In an illustrated talk, including maps and photos, John shares the whole picture, highlighting Ukraine's role and Canada's involvement.

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[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]
See also which features Charlotte Dennett's 2022 book tracking pipeline wars and endless wars in the Middle East and many articles, including fellow pipeline tracker John Foster.

17. November 2022, 16:00 Uhr - Online Event (via ZOOM):

Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine:
A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs

On October 24th, 2021, Sachs was appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Within this role, Sachs has consistently pushed for a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine, as exhibited in the statement titled Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine of the Science and Ethics of Happiness Study Group.


Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Professor Sachs is unable to join us for the conversation and we have to postpone. We are actively working to reschedule the event and will provide you with an updated date and time as soon as possible.

13. November 2022, 18 Uhr (MEZ) - Tel Aviv und Online (mittels Zoom):

Den Schmerz der anderen begreifen

Diskussion mit Charlotte Wiedemann, Bashir Bashir und Amos Goldberg
Moderation: Inge Günther

75 Jahre nach seiner Gründung bleibt Erinnern in Israel ein politisch umkämpftes Terrain. Jüdinnen und Juden richten den Fokus auf den Holocaust, Palästinenser:innen hingegen auf das Schicksalsjahr 1948, als Hundertausende Opfer von Flucht und Vertreibung durch jüdische Kämpfer wurden – arabisch als Nakba (Katastrophe) bezeichnet. In ihrem Buch „Den Schmerz der Anderen begreifen“ plädiert die Publizistin Charlotte Wiedemann für ein neues empathisches Erinnern, das verschiedenen Seiten gerecht wird und Solidarität statt Opferkonkurrenz fördert. In Bezug auf die Erinnerungspraktiken in Deutschland ist sie überzeugt, dass ein Bewusstsein für die kolonialen Verbrechen der Kaiserzeit entwickelt werden muss, und das stellt die Besonderheit der Shoa nicht in Frage. 

Charlotte Wiedemann ist Publizistin und Auslandsreporterin, ihre Beiträge erschienen u.a. in Die Zeit, Geo und Le Monde Diplomatique. Sie hält Vorträge, ist Kolumnistin der taz und hat zahlreiche Bücher zu internationalen Themen veröffentlicht, zuletzt erschien „Den Schmerz der anderen begreifen. Holocaust und Weltgedächtnis“ (Propyläen, 2022). Geprägt vom Schweigen in der eigenen Familie, verfolgt sie die Debatten um die deutsche Verantwortung für den Nationalsozialismus seit vier Jahrzehnten.

Bashir Bashir ist außerordentlicher Professor für politische Theorie an der Open University of Israel und Senior Research Fellow am Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Er forscht zu Demokratietheorie, Nationalismus, Staatsangehörigkeit, Multikulturalismus und Versöhnungspolitik. Zuletzt erschien von ihm The Arab and Jewish Questions: Geographies of Engagement in Palestine and Beyond (Columbia University Press, 2020); Mitherausgeber von The Holocaust and Nakba: A New Grammar of Trauma and History (Columbia University Press, 2018)

Amos Goldberg ist außerordentlicher Professor für Geschichte des Holocaust und Leiter des Forschungsinstituts für zeitgenössisches Judentum an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem. Seit Jahrzehnten erforscht er die Geschichte und die Erinnerung an den Holocaust an der Schnittstelle von Geschichte, kritischer Theorie und Literatur. Zu seinen Veröffentlichungen gehören Trauma in First Person: Diary Writing during the Holocaust (Indiana University Press, 2017); Zusammen mit Bashir Bashir (Hg.) The Holocaust and Nakba:  A New Grammar of Trauma and History. Goldberg gehört zu den Initiatoren und Verfassern der Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism. ( Übersetzung ins Deutsche )

Inge Günther hat mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang als Korrespondentin in Israel und Palästina gearbeitet, unter anderem für die Frankfurter Rundschau und die Berliner Zeitung. Für ihre Berichte erhielt sie mehrfach Preise, zuletzt 2017 den Journalistenpreis der Deutschen Initiative für den Nahen Osten. Aus beruflichen wie privaten Gründen ist Jerusalem ihre zweite Heimat neben Berlin geworden.

Goethe-Institut Israel in Zusammenarbeit mit der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Israel

Die Veranstaltung wird live per Zoom übertragen.

Bitte um Anmeldung:

Zum Versuch, die Veranstaltung zu diffamieren:
09.11.2022 junge Welt, Jannis Hagmann: Zoff um Goethe-Event in Israel 
11.11.2022 Stellungnahme des Goethe-Instituts und der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
                        zur erneuten Vertagung der Veranstaltung

Das Buch von Charlotte Wiedemann
"Den Schmerz der Anderen begreifen"
ist im Augenblick bei der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung für 4,50 € + Versandkosten zu bekommen.

10. November 2022, 16:00 Uhr - Nuke Free Europe, ZOOM-Meeting:

A review on the development of new Nuclear Weapons in Europe and the role of NPR

The Nuke Free Europe group invites Hans. M. Kristensen to explain the last developments of new Nuclear Weapons such as the B61-12 and to discuss the current relevance of the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and further impacts in geopolitics and peace talks.

➡️ Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 5240 9078 – Passcode: 464591

10. November 2022, 1:00 Uhr - ZOOM-Event:

War in a Changing Climate

Wars are raging and the climate is collapsing. Is there something that can be done to address both problems at once?
Join this webinar with Dr. Elizabeth G. Boulton, Tristan Sykes (Just Collapse), and David Swanson,
with Liz Remmerswaal Hughes moderating, to hear some new ideas and ask questions.
Automated live transcription of this event will be enabled on the zoom platform.
[ more and registration ]
The event will be recorded and the recording will be made available to all registrants afterward.

Here's the video:
Text of David Swanson's remarks:
Please share this action page:

9. November 2022, 11:00 Uhr - Online-Veranstaltung:

G20 SUMMIT- Between Confrontation and Common Security

Before the G 20 meeting we want to discuss about the role of G20 in the actual political situation and we want to point out the consequences of confrontation and wars: for peace and security, for regional conflicts, for food and energy, for the environment, for the economies.

Key points:
* What is 6 20 and the main content of the meeting in November in Bali?
* Role of G 20 – exclusive but worldwide: critics to G20.
* Are there relations and controversies between G20 and NATO?
* Alternatives to G 20 – UN and democratizing of international structures and relations.

Speakers are:
Maria Hernandez, Litekyan Landowners Association, (Guam)
Reiner Braun, IPB (Germany),
Dr Ross Gwyther, IPAN (Australia)
Prof. Walden Bello (tbs), Focus on the Global South (Philippines)

Final words: Kristine Karch, No to NATO (Germany)
Moderation: Corazon Fabros, AEPF (Philippines)

Organized by
No to War - No to NATO
Asia Europe People's Forum
International Peace Bureau

[ Register here: ]

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]

2. November 2022, 17:00 Uhr (MEZ) - Kairo, American University in Cairo:

Edward Said memorial lecture by Noam Chomsky, a US political theorist and activist, and professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, discusses the global realignments and the prospects for a livable world.
The link of the lecture

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]

22. September 2022, 1:00 Uhr - weltweit, Online:

International Day of Peace:
Online Debate: "Can War Ever Be Justified?"

with David Swanson  and Arnold August
Moderator: Youri Smouter

[ Registration for ZOOM ]

25. August 2022, 19:00 (MEZ) - International Briefing:


Join legal and policy experts to hear how Israel’s measures to terminate the work of six prominent civil society organizations engaged in documenting violations of international law and supporting the International Criminal Court investigation of Israeli officials is harming defense of Palestinian rights, and what international inaction will mean for both Palestinians and Israelis, and international human rights advocacy efforts more broadly.

In the early morning hours of August 18, the Israeli military raided the offices of six prominent Palestinian civil society organizations, destroying property, seizing files and office equipment, and welding the entrances to the offices shut. Since then, the Israeli Security Agency, the Shin Bet, has interrogated or called in for questioning representatives of the organizations who have refused to abide the closure of their offices. Almost one year ago, the Israeli Knesset passed legislation designating the West Bank-based organizations as “terrorist organizations” and the Israeli military issued regulations determining them to be “unlawful associations.” European donor countries have stated that Israel has failed to substantiate the terrorism charges.

Co-convened by the Middle East Institute, the Foundation for Middle East Peace, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, DAWN, the International Crisis Group, Century International and USMEP.

Shawan Jabaran, Al Haq
Sahar Francis, Addameer
Ubai Abboud, Bisan Center
Moayyad Bsharat, Union of Agricultural Work Committees
Tahreer Jaber, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees
Khaled Quzmar, Defense of Children International—Palestine

Khaled Elgindi, Middle East Institute
Lara Friedman, Foundation for Middle East Peace
Zaha Hassan, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Emcee: Raed Jarrar, DAWN

[ Please Register ]

24. August 2022, 19:30 - Online-Veranstaltung per ZOOM:

Ruhe mit allen Mitteln:
Die jüngste Repressionswelle gegen die palästinensische Zivilgesellschaft

Die Frankfurter Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisation medico international und die in Oslo ansässige, international tätige Norwegian People’s Aid laden zu einem Online-Podiumsgespräch über die jüngsten Repressionsmaßnahmen ein, die der israelische Staat gegen palästinensische Menschenrechtsorganisationen ergriffen hat.

Es sprechen:
Aseel Al Bajeh (Advocacy-Referentin und Rechercheurin für rechtliche Fragen Al Haq)
Francesca Albanese (UN-Sonderberichterstatterin für das besetzte palästinensische Gebiet)
Henriette Westhrin (Generalsekretärin Norwegian People's Aid)
Riad Othman (Nahostreferent medico international)
Abdel Razek (Direktorin für Advocacy, Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy)

Die Podiumsteilnehmer werden über die tatsächliche Arbeit der betroffenen palästinensischen Organisationen und mögliche Gründe für das Vorgehen des Staates Israel gegen sie sprechen. Diskutiert werden der rechtliche und politische Kontext dieser konfrontativen Maßnahmen und die politische Reaktion anderer Länder, einschließlich der Geberländer, die diese Organisationen unterstützen.
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, Teilnahme über folgenden Link:

Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch.

Zum Hintergrund:

Bereits im Oktober 2021 stufte die israelische Regierung sechs palästinensische Organisationen als Terrorgruppen ein. Die Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, Norwegens, der Vereinigten Staaten oder der Schweiz setzten daraufhin ihre Unterstützung für betroffene Organisationen wie Al Haq, die Union of Agricultural Work Committees und andere aus, während sie mehrere Monate lang die Dossiers prüften, die der israelische Geheimdienst vorbereitet und ihnen übergeben hatte.

Letztlich fand keine einzige Regierung oder einer der mit der Überprüfung und Analyse der israelischen Akten beauftragten Geheimdienste Beweise für die Unterstützung des Terrorismus durch die verbotenen Organisationen. In den letzten Wochen und Monaten haben all diese Regierungen die israelischen Anschuldigungen öffentlich zurückgewiesen. Diejenigen unter ihnen, die die besagten palästinensischen Organisationen finanziert hatten, setzen diese Unterstützung seitdem wieder fort. Nur wenige Wochen später, am 18. August, führte die israelische Armee eine Razzia in den Büros von sieben Organisationen durch (die sechs früheren und eine weitere, die vor Oktober 2021 ins Visier genommen worden war) und ordnete deren Schließung an.

8. August 2022, 21:00 Uhr - international, Online:

Webinar with Roger Waters

There will be a presentation by Roger Waters, followed by Q&A (Questions and Answers).

Topics will include:

  •  The repression of Julian Assange, free speech, and press freedom
  •  Israeli military repression of Palestinians, and BDS
  •  U.S. perpetual war and militarism, and
  •  The artist's role in opposing each

Project for the Study of American Militarism,
World BEYOND War,
Women Against Military Madness,
Veterans For Peace,
Andy Worthington,
Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste,,,
Canadian BDS Coalition,
Twin Cities Assange Defense,
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute,
DC Action for Assange.

[ Online Registration for access via ZOOM ]

6. August 2022, 18:00 Uhr - international, Online:

"The Day After"

Online Film Screening and Discussion Event

with Dr. Gordon Edwards and Vicky Elson

Montreal pour une Monde sans Guerre
World Beyond War

[ Online registration für access via ZOOM ]

4. Mai 2022, 16:00 bis 17:30 Uhr - JUST-IS, Online:

Palestine/Israel and Global Militarism: An Interfaith Perspective

  • Mrs. Nour Odeh,
    veteran journalist, former candidate for legislative elections,  member on the board of directors to Miftah association,
  • Prof. Ilan Pappe,
    Univ. of Exeter,
  • Prof. Michael Lynk,
    UN 7th Special Rapporteur for the human rights situation in the Palestinian Occupied Territories

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Duchrow, Mitglied von Global Kairos for Justice und Just-IS

Verantwortlich: JUST-IS (Interfaith Solidarity Against Militarism).

[ Flyer ]

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ( Passwort zum Nachhören: sZ1tW!c+ ) ]

23. April 2022, 14:00 bis 17:30 MEZ - ICAHD UK, Online-Veranstaltung:

ICAHD UK’s 2022 annual conference

will be held online and will enable more people to attend it whether from the UK or globally and it will facilitate greater participation by Palestinians on the ground. Palestinians will speak from Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, the South Hebron Hills and from within the state of Israel as they describe demolitions in their area, local resistance and the struggle for them to remain in their homes.

Speakers will include:

  • Richard Falk, Former UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT
  • Jeff Halper, Head of ICAHD
  • Manal Shqair, International Advocacy Officer Stop the Wall
  • Rashid Khudairy, Co-ordinator Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign
  • Sami Hureini, Youth of Sumud
  • Umar al-Ghubari, Zochrot
  • Yoad Ghanadry-Hakim, Palestine Counselling Centre
  • Maen Hammad, Amnesty OPT

There is no charge for attendance at this conference but donations are encouraged.

[ Anmeldung ]

7. April 2022, 18:00 Uhr - Online-Veranstaltung:

Ist Israel ein Apartheidstaat?

mit Rev. Brian Brown, Autor von
"Apartheid South Africa! Apartheid Israel?
Ticking the Boxes of Occupation and Dispossession"
(Vgl. dazu den neuen Amnesty Bericht)

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]

Weitere Informationen zum Thema

25. bis 27. März 2022 - Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien & Online:



Networked Warfare, Drones & Artificial Intelligence

[ Programm ] [ Anmeldung ] [ Pressemitteilung ] | Press Release ]

20. März 2022, 16:00 Uhr - Online:

No to War. For a Transnational Politics of Peace

A transnational public online meeting to discuss how to shape together our refusal to war and a transnational politics of peace. We believe the first step is to deepen connections across the borders among those who fight for survival and to oppose, in different ways, in Ukraine as well as in Russia and elsewhere, this murderous aggression.​​​​​

17. März 2022, 11:00 Uhr - Transnational Institute Online:

In the words of Ukrainian peace activist Yurri Sheliazhenko,
'if you prepare for war you get war, if you prepare for peace you get peace'.

he European Union was built on foundational ideas of peace and, until 2017, had never spent public money on weapons research. But in the past five years the EU has handed out hundreds of millions of euros on military research to private industry. In our new report,

'Fanning the Flames: How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race'

the European Network against the Arms Trade and TNI reveal that the EU funds companies involved in highly controversial arms deals, conflicts of interests and companies facing grave corruption charges. Moreover, the kind of arms developed with EU money include cutting-edge weapons systems that are more likely to lead to war crimes than traditional arms―but their development is being approved with barely any legal or ethical checks.
Therefor we will hold a launch event together with the authors of the report.
Register now at
to receive first-hand information on the research and its implications.
Zoom link:

15. März 2022, 15 Uhr - Wien, Online-Veranstaltung:

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons:
From the Origins to the First Meeting of States Parties

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) cordially invites you to attend a panel discussion entitled “The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: From the Origins to the First Meeting of States Parties,” which will be held on Tuesday, 15 March 2022 from 15:00 to 16:30 Central European Time (CET) via Zoom. The webinar will also be livestreamed to YouTube.

[ mehr ] [ Anmeldung erforderlich ]

14. März 2022, 20 Uhr - International Peace Movement:

AUKUS - nuclear submarine deal
NATO and the international peace movement


  • Ludo De Brabander is a Belgian writer and spokesman for the Belgian peace organisation Vrede vzw.
  • Kate Hudson, UK, has been General Secretary of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) since September 2010. Prior to this she served as the organisation's Chair from 2003. She is a leading anti-nuclear and anti-war campaigner nationally and internationally.
  • Joseph Gerson, USA, is President of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS), Co-founder of the Committee for a SANE U.S. China Policy and Vice President of the International Peace Bureau (IPB).
  • Annette Brownly, Australia, is a long time antiwar and peace activist, she helped to establish the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN), is the current Chair of IPAN and manages a United Nations Assn of Australia Peace and Security program.

Moderation Kristine Karch, Germany, Co-Chair international No to NATO network.

Register (zoom link)

3. März 2022, 19.00 CET - International Peace Bureau

Peace Movement in Action: Peace Voices from Russia & Ukraine

Join the IPB and our partners in Russia and Ukraine for a discussion on the actions being taken to promote peace and nonviolence in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While the war wages, it is as important as ever that we reinforce our belief that war is never the answer and instead support the voices for peace on both sides of the conflict. The speakers will highlight the deadly consequences that come with continued warfare and share the work being done to promote peace among the Russian and Ukrainian peoples.  Together we will explore how the world can support a peaceful resolution to the conflict and avoid escalation through common security and disarmament.


  • Oleg Bodrov, physicist, ecologist, IPB Council member, Chairman of the Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, interregional environmental movement of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Lena Kruglikova, ecologist, peace activist,  NGO Women for Peace, Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia
  • Yurii Sheliazhenko, legal scholar, public intellectual, and self-believer. Executive secretary of Ukrainian Pacifist Movement.

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

2. März 2022, 20:00 Uhr - Online:

Sheikh Jarrah & The Future of Jerusalem

Sheikh Jarrah has once again captured the world's attention as another Palestinian family faces imminent threat of eviction at the hands of state-backed settlers. These continued measures of Palestinian displacement serve as a source of acute tension in Jerusalem and the region.

Our upcoming webinar, Sheikh Jarrah & the Future of Jerusalem will explore the story of this small neighborhood and what can be done to bring justice for the residents of Sheikh Jarrah.

American Friends of Combatants for Peace

The event will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, March 2 at 9PM Jerusalem time, 7PM London time, and 2PM Eastern US time.

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]

28. Februar und 1. März 2022, 5:00 Uhr - Gensuikyo National Conference:

2022 Bikini Day events for elimination of nuclear weapons

Die Veranstaltungen der Gensuikyo National Conference zum "Bikini Day zur Abschaffung von Atomwaffen" sollen mit ca. 5000 Teilnehmenden in Englisch und Japanisch stattfinden. Hierzu ist Marion Küpker als eine der Hauptrednerinnen eingeladen. Sie wurde gebeten zu erklären, wie die neue Ampel-Regierung dazu gebracht werden konnte, eine/n BeobachterIn zur kommenden Atomwaffen-Verbotsvertrags-Staatenkonferenz schicken zu wollen.
Zum Hintergrund des Bikini Days:
Auf dem Bikini-Atoll im Pazifik wurden zwischen 1946 und 1958 insgesamt 23 Atomtests durch die USA gezündet. Die WissenschaftlerInnen verrechneten sich, sodass am 1. März 1954 die gezündete Atombombe die erwartete Sprengkraft um das etwa 1000 -fache der Atombomben auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki übertraf. Die radioaktiven Partikel kamen als schwarzer Regen auch auf japanische Fischer(boote) nieder, die dann verstarben. Der Bikini Day symbolisiert in Japan der jährliche Beginn der Anti-Atomwaffen Aktivitäten, die ihren Höhepunkt im August in den Anti-Wasserstoff- & Atombomben Konferenzen in Hiroshima und Nagasaki haben.

Registration is not necessary. English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be available.
February 28th, 2022 (13:00-14:10 JST)
March 1st, 2022          (13:00-15:20 JST)

15. Februar 2022, 17:00 Uhr - Cambridge, King's College:

The Situation in Russia and Ukraine

Discussion with Professor John J. Mearsheimer

[ Video-Aufzeichnung ]

13. Januar 2022, 18:00 Uhr - New Israel Forum Deutschland, Online:

Als Friedens- und Menschenrechtsaktivist:in in der israelischen Regierung
– Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Gäste: Gaby Lasky und Mossi Raz (Mitglieder des israelischen Parlaments der Partei Meretz)
Moderation: Jörn Böhme (New Israel Fund Deutschland)  
Sprache: Englisch

  • How do parliamentarians who themselves come from the peace and human rights movement, who stand up against the Israeli occupation and for a two-state settlement, live and act in and with the current government?
  • What can they achieve and effect?
  • What perspectives do they see for themselves, for this government, for Israeli society and for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

[ Registration ]

04.11.2021 Ha'aretz: Shani Littman interviews Gaby Lasky