
21. Mai 2017 - Freitag/Guardian, Peter Beaumont:

Sieg mit Nebenwirkungen (*)

Naher Osten Vor 50 Jahren führte Israel den Sechs-Tage- Krieg. Bis heute sind die Folgen der Konfrontation in der Region sichtbar
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Artikel von Peter Beaumont zum Thema (im "Guardian"):
21.05.2017 Why Israel is still divided over its legacy 50 years on (*)
29.05.2017 Israeli paratrooper and Palestinian recall conflict 50 years on
06.06.2017 A day in the life of the West Bank occupation 

2. März 2017 - Ha'aretz, Gideon Levy:

Israel oves Wars

There's no other way to read the state comptroller's report on the 2014 Gaza war and there's no more important conclusion that arises from it.
Israel loves wars. Needs them. Does nothing to prevent them, and sometimes instigates them. There is no other way to read the state comptroller’s report on the 2014 Gaza war, and there is no more important conclusion that arises from it.
All the rest – the tunnels, the National Security Council, the cabinet and the intelligence – are trifles, nothing more than efforts to distract us from the main thing. The main thing is that Israel wants war. It rejected all the alternative, without discussing them, without interest in them, to fulfill its desire.
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