

19. Januar 2022 - KaiserTV:

Der neue Kolonialismus und die Enteignung des Lebens

Gwendolin Walter-Kirchhoff im Gespräch mit Dr. Vandana Shiva.

[ Video-Aufzeichnung (ca. 45 Minuten) ]

13. März 2014 - TomDispatch.con, Nick Turse:

American Proxy Wars in Africa

Our major post-9/11 wars are goners and the imagery of American war-making is heading downhill. The Iraq War was long ago left in the trash heap of history, while in Afghanistan the talk is now about “the zero option” -- that is, about an irritated Obama administration making a lock, stock, and drone departure from that country as 2014 ends. Meanwhile, back in America, headlines indicate that the U.S. military stands trembling at the brink of evisceration, with the U.S. Army soon to return to pre-World War II levels of troop strength and all the services about to go on a diet in an era of belt-tightening. The only new arms being promoted are the ones Republicans are "up in" when it comes to the potential destruction of U.S. military might.

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