


11. Mai 2021 - Human Rights Watch, Omar Shakir:

Jerusalem to Gaza, Israeli Authorities Reassert Domination

Latest Escalation Highlights Reality of Apartheid, Persecution for Millions of Palestinians
Forcible takeovers of homes, brutal suppression of demonstrators, places of worship under assault, identity-based communal violence, indiscriminate rocket attacks, children killed in strikes: what to make of the dizzying headlines out of Israel and Palestine in recent days?
Without doubt, the recent events in Gaza and Jerusalem have given rise to grave abuses. We are investigating and will take some time as we gather the facts. There are, though, some preliminary takeaways based on what we do know.
[ mehr ]

14, August 2017 - Ha'aretz, Amira Hass:

Otherwise Occupied

How Some of the Food Israelis Eat Gets to Their Tables - a West Bank Story
A Palestinian received permission to harvest his wheat at the beginning of August. The experiment failed: The wheat had already withered completely
A farmer plowed his land. Fawzi Ibrahim and his sons Mohammed and Mahmoud, who live in the village of Jalud south of Nablus, plowed their land last week. Hallelujah. (This is not a big reason to rejoice, because our illustrious army did not allow Ibrahim and his sons to get to their wheat on time. They let him wait until the wheat had completely dried out. But more on that later.)
Only in our Jewish and democratic country between the river and the sea is such a sentence worthy of becoming a news item. Because “Jewish” means we do everything possible to prevent “fallah,” a farmer, in other words a Palestinian, from working the land that has belonged to his family for generations.
[ mehr (gegen Bezahlung) ]

14. Mai 2014 - Al Jazeera World:

Lost cities of Palestine

An extraordinary insight into Palestinian life in the city before 1948, revealing the loss of a culture and lifestyle.

[ Video (ca. 47 Min., Arabisch mit UT in Englisch) ]

24. März 2014 - Aljazeera, Joseph Massad:

The Dahlan factor

The Israeli and US betting on the Dahlan horse will only increase the resolve of the Palestinians and their supporters.

[ vollständiger Kommentar ]

22. Dezember 2013 - Palestine Chronicle, Florent Barat and Frank Barat:

Ilan Pappé on the duty to ask questions

Conversation with Ilan Pappe:
We Don’t Have the Luxury to Wait Any Longer

[ vollständiges Interview mit Ilan Pappé ]

30. März 2012 - Ha'aretz, Akiva Eldar:

Israel Defense Ministry plan
earmarks 10 percent of West Bank for settlement expansion

Newly released maps indicate Civil Administration secretly setting aside additional land for Jewish settlements, presumably with the intention of expanding them.

[ vollständiger Artikel ]

19. März 2012 - MIFTAH, Joharah Baker:

Palestine’s Economy is in Trouble, But Why?

Israel is nothing if not audacious, but this last maneuver is even cheekier than most. On Wednesday, donor countries will meet in Brussels and the Israeli delegation will be armed with a 44-page paper penned by Israel’s foreign ministry, which basically says the Palestinians are just not ready for their own state. 

vollständiger Artikel ]

23. Januar 2011 - Al Jazeera:

Introducing the Palestine Papers

Al Jazeera has obtained more than 1,600 internal documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

[ Dokumentation bei Al Jazeera ]

2010 - Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem:

Israeli Mutation of Palestinian Landscape

Palestine, as it stands today, consists of two physically separated land masses, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip with a total area of 5,661 km2 and 362 km2, respectively. Although small in size, its unique location at the crossroads of three continents has made Palestine an environmental melting pot for flora and fauna of Africa, Asia, and Europe. The once-fertile heights of Palestine have been denuded; barren lands and deserts have replaced forests and green plains. Desertification and soil erosion are evident, particularly in the Eastern Slopes of the West Bank. Polluted and salty water runs now in the Jordan River more than ever. The Dead Sea , which represent the deepest point in the world's, has sunk so low that it is now two separated seas and still dropping.

[ vollständige Studie